If you are having a convention, trade show, company party, association event or other function here is John Pullum’s list of top convention cities in the United States. If you are looking for a professional speaker or corporate entertainment for your convention or other corporate or association event, keep John Pullum in mind.
1. Las Vegas, NV
2. Chicago, IL
3. Orlando, FL
4. Washington, DC
5. Atlanta, GA
6. Dallas, TX
7. San Francisco, CA
8. Nashville, TN
9. San Diego, CA
10. Phoenix – Scottsdale, AZ
11. Los Angeles, CA
12. Denver, CO
13. New Orleans, LA
14. Houston, TX
15. Boston, MA
16. Philadelphia, PA
17. Tampa — St Petersburg — Clearwater, FL
18. Austin-San Marcos, TX
19. New York, NY
20. Seattle, WA
21. Detroit, MI
22. St Louis, MO
23. Riverside — San Bernardino, CA
24. Minneapolis — St Paul, MN
25. Austin, TX
Top Convention Cities In The US
This list of top convention cities in the US is not in any particular order. John Pullum has been in the entertainment / speaking business for over 25 years. Over these years John has presented at countless conventions across the United States. This list of top convention cities in the USA are just some of the top cities that might be a great fit for your upcoming convention, trade show, sales meeting, etc.