If you have a YouTube channel, social media account or other service where your fans and patrons might want to show you some extra appreciation check out BuyMeACoffee.com. It’s an easy way to let people tip you or help you toward achieving a financial goal. Here is my link to it so you can sign up for free: buymeacoffee.com/?via=pullum
If you are feeling generous feel free to click the image below and see it in action.
I’ve been using BuyMeACoffee on my YouTube channel and other social media account and love it.
You don’t have to be a coffee lover to use it. I don’t like coffee at all. It’s not about the coffee, it’s about letting your fans leave you a little appreciation in your own virtual tip jar. You can tell them to buy you some sushi, buy you a water or even buy you a taco. The website just happens to be called buy me a coffee. Since I didn’t want to confuse anyone I just left it as buy me a coffee on my page as well.
Buy Me a Coffee makes supporting fun and easy. In just a couple of taps, your fans can make the payment (buy you a coffee) and leave a message. They don’t even have to create an account. I think it’s great that your fans aren’t forced to sign up for anything in order to support you.
If you are a YouTuber, video creator, writer, musician, podcaster, artist, developer, a nonprofit, … You’ll LOVE BuyMeACoffee.com. Give it a try.